Guangzhou Glorious Development Co., Ltd. Specializes in designing, producing and selling different kinds of bags for our customers from all over the world, A gracious welcome from people at home and abroad for OEM and ODM cooperation. Our main products are Tote bag, Pickleball bag, Backpack, Travel bag, Cooler bag, Drawstring bag, Cosmetic bag, Women's Bags, Belt bag, Garment bag, Apron etc. Our factory is located in Guangzhou, China. All of our goods must be 100% quality control from the raw material to finished-product. We have a very professional team, no matter in the workshop, sales, but also the designing team. Every supplier needs to have rigorous screening before entering our supply chain to make sure the quality. We have 16 years experience in this field, as 90% of our workers and most of our sales have over 10 years experience. so setting up a long term business relationship and achieving mutual benefit and win-win outcome with customers is our original intention.
We always keeps the products forward-looking, popular and creative, and has great influence in the industry. Since its establishment, the company has always adhered to the principle of talent-oriented and honest management. With high-quality products, considerate service, timely delivery and good reputation in the industry, it has been widely praised by domestic and foreign customers. We are expecting to set up a long term, stable and mutual benefit business relationship with customers from all over the world.